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What is the Lifehouse Community?
Construction Has Begun! The Lifehouse Community project is an innovative approach to tackling housing insecurity by providing safe, supportive environments for individuals in need. The community will consist of ten homes, each with a maximum of one resident. Our mission is to not only provide safe housing but also to provide resources to promote individuals' well-being and empower them to achieve their goals.
We understand that transitional periods in life can be challenging, which is why we will be offering The Lifehouse Community - a one-year transitional housing program. Our program is designed to assist and strengthen individuals who are seeking to get out of homelessness, those who are being released from incarceration for nonviolent and non-sexual offenses, and those who are working through the Nolan County Drug Court program. Our team is committed to offering supportive services, including case management and job readiness training, to ensure our residents are set up for success.
Applicants will undergo a thorough application and review process before being accepted into the Lifehouse Community.
Lifehouse Community Participant Phases
Phase One (first 2 months of residence)
Become a part of the community. Participate in upkeep and maintenance of the property. Meet with peer minister / counselor twice weekly (Phase 1 & 2). Attend Celebrate Recovery per assessment of peer minister. Community service as assigned.
Phase Two (months 3 and 4 of residence)
Continue with Phase One involvement. Attend Jobs for Life class (two times a week for eight weeks) and graduate from the class.
Phase Three (months 5 and 6 of residence)
Continue with Phase One involvement. Find employment using the skills gained from the JFL class. Attend Financial management class and develop the skills necessary to manage your income. Begin paying rent for your residence in the Lifehouse Community, 10% of your income. Community service as assigned. Peer minister / counselor meeting twice a month (Phase 3 through 6).
Phase Four (months 7 through 9 of residence)
Continue with Phase One involvement and maintain current employment. Establish good financial management by opening a bank account and reconciling your account. Increase of rent for the Lifehouse Community, 20% of your income. Put 10% of your income in savings. Community service as assigned.
Phase Five (months 10 through 12 of residence)
Continue with Phase One involvement, maintain current employment, and financial management. Increase of rent for the Lifehouse Community, 30% of your income. Begin transition to leave the Lifehouse Community. Build savings account to have the funds to pay deposit and first month’s rent. Community service as assigned.
Phase Six (month 12 of residence)
Continue current employment and financial management. Begin to look for new residence. Your current rent should be your guideline for new residence. Continue to build your savings to have the funds for transition. Celebrate your success with Lifehouse Community Graduation.
We're better together!
Community is an essential part of recovery. The Lifehouse believes that everyone deserves support and a sense of belonging during their recovery from whatever hurt, habit or hang-up they are trying to break free from. That's why we are creating a strong, supportive community where individuals can connect and inspire each other to overcome their strongholds.
A big thank you to our corporate sponsors for funding our first two transitional homes!
Successful Brick Campaign Raises $10,750
They say a happy home is built on a strong foundation, and our team is committed to building 11 such homes. Thanks to the support from these organizations and families, we a lot closer to reaching our goal! We are immensely grateful to all of them!
How else can you help?
We rely on the generosity of individuals like you to fund our initiatives. Whether you are interested in making a one-time donation or setting up a recurring donation, your support will help us continue to make a difference in our community. Click here to make a donation.
Would you like to sponsor a house at the Lifehouse Community? Your donation of $35k, builds a home to completion. Not only will you be making a significant impact on someone's life, but you will also have the privilege of having the house named after your church, company, or organization. Partner with us today and create a lasting legacy in the community. Email us for more information on funding a home.